in addition Gift Aid total £1,347.75 was paid direct to LUPUS UK ***************************
WMLG Annual Raffle raised £738.41 Thank you to all who bought/sold tickets *************************
Darkhouse Baptist Church, Coseley held a collection raising £171 Thanks go to all who contributed
Virgin Money London Marathon Sunday, 3rd October
Runners Race Number Time £raised
Adam Carey 46016 03:29:01 £1,335 Laura Haycock 46011 03:57:15 £1,493 Tom Mayell 46015 04:41:05 £3,000 Chris Davies 46012 05:01:11 £1,355 Sophie Davies 46018 05:34:59 £1,391 Garry Geoghegan 46019 05:58:42 £1,355 Ed Back 46013 06:38:28 £3,775 Katrina Barry Virtual Marathon £1,300
Congratulations and Well Done
to all 8 WMLG Runners
total amount raised £15,004
in addition Gift Aid total £2,431 was paid direct to LUPUS UK ***************************
Walking for LUPUS
Andy Watts walked the UK coastline, in sections, beginning 2006 - with a gap during 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions - finishing 1st October 2021 in Minehead to mark LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH Towards the end of his epic Walk, Andy set up a JustGiving on-line page on behalf of West Midlands Lupus Group raising a wonderful £410 THANK YOU, Andy!
All events cancelled due to Covid-19
, A Coffee Morning held at Darkhouse Baptist Church, Coseley, Sunday, 13th October, by Yvonne & Peter Norton raised £92.41 + £10 (direct to LUPUS UK)
Julie & Jessica Evans organised a Craft Fair at Holmer Parish Church, Hereford, Saturday, 5th October
£200.31 was raised
Thanks go to Julie, Jessica and all who supported this event
Virgin London Marathon Sunday, 28th April
Runners Race Number Time £Raised
Daniel Routledge 41540 03:17:57 £1,250 Imogen Wyatt 41541 04:24:02 £1,471 Sam Tonks 41551 04:32:35 £1,956 Rohan Walker 41548 04:42:36 £1,317 Victoria Tindall 41550 05:12:55 £1,471 Louise Potts 41542 05:26:06 £1,471 Karen New 41547 05:30:12 £1,250 Ella Hughes 41543 05:55:22 £1,862 Ed Back 41546 06:09:15 £2,421 Amy Carline 41549 06:29:54 £1,250
Congratulations and Well Done to all
10 WMLG Runners
total amount raised £15,719
in addition Gift Aid total £1,974 was paid direct to LUPUS UK
Julie and Jessica Evans organized a Craft Fair on behalf of West Midlands Lupus Group at Holmer Parish Church Saturday, 9th March, amount raised
Thanks go to all who supported this event
During her year as Lady Captain of Stratford Oaks Golf Club, Irene Allan raised the wonderful sum of £2,727.35 Yvonne was delighted to receive a cheque in this sum on behalf of WMLG at the Golf Club AGM (follow-up to February announcement)
Virgin London Marathon Sunday, 22nd April
Runners Race Number Time £Raised
Darryl Smith 51754 04:05:12 £3,157.00 Adam Price 51757 04:17:19 £1,416.00 Aaron Poltorak 51749 04:58:55 £1,310.00 Jade McIntyre 51752 05:25:12 £1,174.00 Kiran Gibbons 51751 05:39:03 £1,175.00 Helen Lumley 51748 05:50:47 £1,174.00 Jason Rice 51755 06:00:44 £1,326.00 Connor Dudley 51759 06:09:28 £1,270.00 Ed Back 51756 06:30:29 £2,443.00 Rob Reece 51750 06:51:02 £1,946.00
Congratulations and Well Done to all
10 WMLG Runners
total raised for WMLG
in addition - Gift Aid to LUPUS UK £2,301.00
Irene Allan, Lady Captain Stratford Oaks Golf Club 2017/18, has chosen to support WMLG during her year in office Yvonne & Peter visited the Golf Club, 14th February, to speak to the Ladies about lupus, WMLG, LUPUS UK Irene has a lot of fund raising/awareness events lined up so watch this space for future news
above: Yvonne & Peter with Irene & Tony Allan
WMLG Annual Raffle raised
Thank you to all who bought/sold tickets
To help raise Lupus Awareness, Caroline Heise handmade Dutch Gnomes. Priced at £5 each, the sale of the Gnomes raised a magnificent £335 A BIG Thank-You to Caroline for this unusual fund raising project and to all who purchased a Dutch Gnome
LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH COFFEE MORNING Jenny Mynett held her Annual Lupus Awareness Coffee Morning in the Lupus Clinic at City Hospital, Birmingham, raising £80 Thank you to all who supported Jenny and WMLG
LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH COFFEE MORNING To mark Lupus Awareness Month a Coffee Morning was held at Darkhouse Baptist Church, Coseley, following the Service on Sunday, 22nd October. £75 was raised Thanks go to all at Darkhouse for their generosity and support of WMLG.
Edith & Robert Critchley opened up their new garden for the village Open Day at Austrey, Warwickshire. During the event, Edith set up a 'Guess the Name of the Flower' competition which raised £110 for WMLG. Everyone who visited the garden was given a LUPUS UK bookmark and learned something about Lupus. Thank you to Edith & Robert for using their lovely garden in support of WMLG.
24-hour Darts Marathon 6.00 pm Friday 26th May - 6.00 pm Saturday 27th May The Red Lion, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands.
Organised by Paul Higgins, the event had 3 x 6 man Teams - Red Lion, Junior and Mix & Match Standing from left to right as they appear are Jack Sidwell (Junior), Dave Fisher (Junior), Chris Thomas (Junior Captain), Antony Daly (Junior), Andy Thomas (Junior), Lee Harris (M & M), Andy Hoy (Red Lion), Chris John (Red Lion), Steve Sidwell (Red Lion), Vince Lloyd (M & M) and Tom Bent (Red Lion). Front row crouched is Tim Lowe (M & M), Mark Gwalchmai (Captain Red Lion), Pete Silver (M & M), Paul Higgins (Captain M & M & event organiser), Jon Bown (M & M), Mick Bown (Red Lion) and Jack Nason (Junior).
Team Red Lion (pictured below) were the winners with a combined total of 422,002. The £180 Team prize has been donated to the total being raised. The Juniors were second with a combined total of 398,970. Mix and Match were third with a combined total of 364,203. A collecting tin on their Team table realised £272 which has been added to the total being raised. The top individual was Tom Bent (pictured below right) with a score of 84,934, over 10,000 ahead of his nearest rival.
A BIG Thank-You goes to all 18 players who took part in this special event in support of WMLG The final total raised was a wonderful £3,153
Lupus Drop-In Cake Sale Thursday, 11th May
Regular attendees at the Drop-In facility, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley, marked World Lupus Day by holding a Cake Sale which, along with donations, raised £104 for WMLG. Thanks go to Gill, Caroline, Denise, Kim, Rene, Yvonne, Bob and Peter, the Lupus/Rheumatology Team and all who contributed to the event.
Virgin London Marathon Sunday, 23rd April
Runners Race Number Time £Raised
Adam Cotterill 52199 03:57:15 £2,760.00 Jenni Shields 52203 04:36:06 £2,796.98 ** joint Aaron Poltorak 52198 04:42:47 £1,520.80 Danielle Mouncer 52202 04:50:05 £2,796.98 ** joint Alan Horsford 52201 05:06:47 £1,082.00 Sarah Barnes 52205 05:19:04 £1,462.00 Mark Penny 52196 05:43:33 £1,481.00 Peter Missen 52207 05:58:40 £1,660.65 Samantha Chambers 52197 06:23:50 £1,551.20 Ed Back 52206 06:33:07 £2,386.00 In addition, a substantial amount of Gift Aid funding was claimed for LUPUS UK
Congratulations and Well Done to all
10 WMLG Runners
total raised: £16,630.63
WMLG Annual Raffle raised
Thank you to all who bought/sold tickets
As President of Rugby Rotary Club 2015/16, Kevin Kiernan kindly chose to support WMLG/LUPUS UK and presented the sum of £3,500 to Yvonne Norton when she and Peter attended Kevin's out-going lunch, Friday, 2nd September. WMLG is extremely grateful to Kevin and his fellow Rotarians for this wonderful support.
Mayor of Dudley's Charities Awards
Along with four other local charities, WMLG was thrilled to receive the wonderful gift of £10,400 A massive Thank-You goes to Cllr Steve Waltho and Mrs Jayne Waltho for their fantastic support as Mayor and Mayoress of Dudley 2015/16
Variety Show Friday, 13th, May Parkes Hall Social Club Woodsetton, Dudley
Coffee Morning Thursday, 5th May City Hospital, Birmingham Rheumatology Outpatients Jenny Mynett, with support from colleagues, held a Coffee Morning which, along with donations, raised £94.33 for WMLG Thanks go to Jenny and all who contributed to this event
Kieron's Wolf Pack entered this wild event, nr Rugby, 9th April, raising £1,215 for lupus research/patient care BIG thank-you to Kieron Norton, Gemma Jones, Mark Cockburn Jamie Wilkins, Ainsworth Ferguson, Steve Gwynne
The Brave Wolf Pack also raised £420 for the Huntingtons Disease Society a fantastic effort and wonderful support for two worthy charities
Mayor's Ball Friday,18th Copthorne Hotel, Brierley Hill
.Burton-on-Trent Golf Club Captain's Charity
David Salter kindly chose WMLG as his charity while Club Captain and presented £2,290 to Yvonne & Peter Norton during the Captain's Farewell Dinner, 29th January
Yvonne & Peter were pleased to receive such a wonderful amount from David and his wife, Carolyn, who played a huge part in supporting the various fund raising activities.
WMLG Annual Raffle raised
Thank you to all who bought/sold tickets
Monday, 21st December BAG PACK (Sainsbury's, Amblecote)
Friday, 11th December CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING Mayor Steve and Mayoress Jayne gave an open invitation for Coffee and Cake in the Mayor's Parlour Dudley Council House
Friday, 20th November ABBA TRIBUTE EVENING Thank you to Ken Elwell, Steward at Swindon Golf Club, who organised a great evening on behalf of West Midlands Lupus Group
Sunday, 26th April
Runners / Times
Adam Ford - 04.12.19 Tom Harty - 03.58.58 Peter Smith-Round - 05.13.12 Jemma Green - 05:22:34 Lee Waterfall - 04.51.55 James Wright - 02.57.29 Ken Elwell - 06.52.56 Tom Willcox 04.23.20 David Nash 03.24.24